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    Top 5 Business Resolutions | Flexure Group
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    Transcribed Audio:

    If you want to continue to have great performance out of yourself and your team, you’ve got to take care and it starts with you as a business owner, you’ve got to invest in yourself so you can be an inspiration to your team.

    Number two, I want you to remember “The Why”… Every business owner, when they started their business had a spark of energy.

    Sometimes it was a nuclear explosion of energy. You got very excited about starting this business. I want you to remember why I want you to channel that energy because that is going to give you inspiration.

    You need to have a great year. Remember the why channel the energy and share that with your team. Number three, be clear and be intentional.

    Look, if you aren’t clear about what’s important, you’re going to be steamrollered by the five fire hoses a day that entrepreneurs drink from you’ve got to be clear about what’s important to you so you can prioritize.

    Now, when I say, be clear, I’m talking about two key things. The first thing is to be clear about what you value and what is important.

    A lot of people use the phrase core values. Your business should have really clear values. The number second important thing on clarity is where you’re going.

    You’ve got to be very clear on where you’re going, or you’ll never get there. It sounds really simple. Few business owners take the time to nail this.

    And so you have a team out there making hundreds of decisions a day on your behalf. And if they don’t know where you’re going, it’s going to be difficult for them to make the right decisions.

    So you’ve got to be clear about your values. What’s important to you. And you’ve got to be clear about where you’re going only then can you take intentional action?

    So you’re not steamrollered by the millions of things that come at you every day. Number four, once you’re clear, communicate it again, this is a very simple concept and difficult for most of us entrepreneurs, business owners to do.

    You’ve got to communicate it. Most of us travel light years through space in our brains entrepreneurs go from galaxy to galaxy or from idea to idea.

    And we travel a lot of ground before we ever communicate that ground to our team. Bring the people that are around you on the journey with you, bring them along.

    Take the time because you have to remember by the time you’ve traveled to the next galaxy, they’re still figuring out the old one.

    So be clear, be intentional and communicate it. And number five, don’t waste your team’s potential. Your team has a lot of potential and human potential is one of the greatest ways that we don’t tap into on a regular basis.

    If, if you’re just sticking your team in a corner to do the work, you’re wasting their potential. Okay? When you were clear with them about what you value and where you want to go and you communicate it, they’re going to have ideas, creative, better ideas than you.

    It’s your job to figure out how to get them inspired about where you’re going and unlock their potential to help you get there.

    Okay? That’s your job as a business owner, that’s your job as a leader. So there’s my five in five. I want you to take care of yourself.

    Remember the why be clear and intentional, communicate it and tap into that potential of your team from myself and Fletcher.

    We want to wish you all a very happy new year, one filled with just all the things you deserve and peace and happiness.

    So go have a great year. We look forward to hearing from you.


    Through our Flexure Foundations Program, we focus on the business owner and seamlessly meld their personal and business financial planning needs to achieve financial freedom. We surround business owners and their teams with business experience, technical expertise, mentorship, and insights that help them gain clarity on their entrepreneurial journey.

    To learn more about our business financial planning contact us for a FREE, NO-OBLIGATION consultation with our financial guides.

    We’ll see you out there!

    Travis Huisman, CEO and Lead Guide at Flexure